glass repairs
We take your safety very seriously and recognise that broken glass can constitute a hazard as well as a security issue in many instances. Should you have a claim solely for glass breakage, we recommend you contact your preferred glazier direct to arrange replacement of the glass.
If you have a small chip or crack in your vehicle windscreen, it can often be repaired without requiring the windscreen to be replaced. Early treatment of these small chips can save you money, time and inconvenience. You may like to speak with your glazier for more information.
The following glaziers are preferred suppliers for many insurers:
O’Brien Glass – Phone 13 16 16
www.obrienglass.com.au (vehicle and property glass)
Imperial Glass – Phone 1300 721 122
www.imperialglass.com.au (domestic and commercial property glass)
The glazier will request your policy number and insurer name. If this information is provided, the glazier will in many instances send their invoice direct to your insurer. Alternatively your glazier may request that you arrange payment up front and we can then arrange lodgement of the claim on your behalf to request reimbursement from your insurer.